Monday, December 30, 2019
Analysis Of Common Sense By Thomas Paine - 1026 Words
Document 4 Pain’s ideas about the origins of community were based on natural human rights, and tasks. Which was before, when there was no existing monarchy, putting all people at an equal position in society, with an amount of little to no violence. Since in paragraph three Paine mentions how during the times of when there was no monarchy, there was no war. He includes that the pride of kings â€Å"...throws mankind into confusion†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Common Sense by Thomas Paine). Which is true, because of the title and placement of being King does develop quite a large ego, that affects their judgement and, actions, spreading confusion in the country conflicting their logic. As for the origin of government is based on the regions resources, and what situation†¦show more content†¦Since this was written during the american revolution, Paine does mention in the third paragraph that he is only stating his side of the argument using facts and, common sense. Along with that women would have more job opportunities in independent America. Especially in that if Britain were to declare war upon another country, then America’s trade would become limited to possible trading partners. Therefore, ridiculously taxing America to pay Britains debt. Which is shown in paragraphs nine, fifteen, and sixteen. Document 11 Abigail Adams’ views on the struggle for independence differed from those of most colonial leaders by including the rights of women to be equal to man specifically into the whole struggle as well for independence as well. Due to her belief of the fact that men can be more â€Å"tyrannical†than women. Which is focused on in Abigail’s first letter to John in the second paragraph. Although she still states her appreciation and want for the independence of America in general. John Adams responded to his wife in that it was ridiculous in how she was more focused and passionate towards the independence for women instead of rejoicing in the near signing of the Declarations of Independence. Including the other revolutions that the american revolution had sparked.Show MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Common Sense By Thomas Paine826 Words  | 4 PagesCommon Sense by Thomas Paine Analysis Initial Reaction The first sentence of the introduction, â€Å"a long habit of not thinking a thing wrong, gives it a superficial appearance of being right,†(Paine, 1776) is instantly captivating to me by the Paine’s acknowledgement that by not standing up to wrong and injustices when you see or experience it is the same as giving the injustice your seal of approval for the wrongs being done. 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