Sunday, August 23, 2020
Friday, August 21, 2020
Give an example of a law that you think attempts to reflect an ethical Essay
Give a case of a law that you think endeavors to mirror a moral worth - Essay Example Regularly, it mirrors a moral worth since it ensures representatives against deceptive conduct in the workplace particularly in circumstances where an inability won't obstruct the presentation of a vocation and henceforth, is proper. It will force supervisors to think about legitimate viewpoints as well as what they, the general public and workers consider to be moral. Then again, the Fair Minimum Wage Act (2007) accentuates on legalities yet doesn't reflect moral qualities. For instance, it has not constrained Nike to quit paying unsatisfactory wages to its remote specialists and improve their working conditions. This law is improper on the grounds that it expect that insofar as Nike meets the lowest pay permitted by law, it isn't unlawful to pay law compensation and in shocking working conditions. It doesn't consider the way that the business needs to give sheltered and helpful workplaces separated from meeting a specified the lowest pay permitted by law (Lopez,
Saturday, July 11, 2020
How to Establish a Networking to Successfully Get a Degree Essay Samples
How to Establish a Networking to Successfully Get a Degree Essay SamplesWith all the information available on the internet today, it is no wonder that so many people are now taking advantage of this as a way to learn how to establish a networking to successfully get a degree. Now, if you are not sure how to do this, you may want to try your hand at it for free first. It is very easy to use these essay samples to help you get an idea of what is involved.The first thing that you need to do is find a place that offers you the opportunity to develop your own network. Often times, this is a community college, where you can attend classes in their library or classroom. However, there are also some online resources that offer this opportunity for free.Another option is to look for online resources through the internet. These may be free or they may be paid resources. The choice really comes down to your budget. Paid resources are normally more reliable and should provide you with a lot more options.Additionally, you will want to check out websites that offer resources for free in order to find some good quality resources. These will be reviewed by experts, and you can take advantage of this to start writing your essays. They are usually available as free resources for some time before they are auctioned off to other members, which are then reviewed for you.Once you have chosen a networking to start, the next step is to put together your syllabus. You will want to gather together all of the material that you need to complete your coursework. In this way, you will know that you will always have the most up to date information available to you when it comes to your coursework.After completing your coursework, you will want to begin writing your essays. There are different ways that you can go about this. The first option would be to ask an instructor to help you with this part of the process.Once you have a plan for writing your essay samples, you will want to ensure tha t you make it a priority. Remember, with networking, you will want to work with experts, so try to establish a relationship with them so that you will know they will be there to help you whenever you need them.With this article, I have provided you with some tips to help you learn how to establish a networking to successfully get a degree. In no time, you will be able to take your own coursework online and improve your grades in school.
Wednesday, May 20, 2020
Ethical Theories Of Ethical Egoism - 993 Words
Ethical egoism is a consequentialist normative ethical theory. There are two forms of ethical egoism. The first is individual ethical egoism which states that I should act in ways that are in my own best interest. The second form is universal ethical egoism which states that everyone one should act in their own best interest. In both forms, individuals should only consider others interest to the extent that it benefits their own well-being. The determination of morality is based off whether or not the consequences of an action or decision are considered in the best interest of the doer. The universal form has an internal inconsistency because it is not necessarily in our best interest to will others to exclusively consider their best interests. The theory of ethical egoism is wide open for interpretation. What is in one s best interest is decided by each individual for themselves. The theory does not define how or when the individual’s interests must be served. Utilitarianism is a consequentialist normative ethical theory. It states that the action that produces the most utility can be considered most ethical. Utility is defined in different ways within utilitarianism, but in general, utility means to produce happiness. So, the moral choice will be the choice whose consequences maximize the happiness of the most people. Act utilitarianism determines morality of each act on an individual bases. Rule utilitarianism requires the act to be universalized and considered aShow MoreRelatedThe Ethical Theory Of Ethical Egoism1423 Words  | 6 PagesEthical egoism is defined roughly by stating how people do things or react to what is in their best interest. This theory gets its meaning because the word â€Å"egoism†derives from the Latin term â€Å"ego†, meaning â€Å"I†in English (Moseley). The motivation of ethical egoism depends on how the situation will act upon one’s self-interest. In this paper, I am going to d efend and explain that babies are born with morality of the ethical egoism theory. Ethical egoism stands out from the rest of the ethicalRead MoreThe Theory Of Psychological Egoism And Ethical Egoism Essay1039 Words  | 5 PagesJames Rachels introduces in his written works, Egoism and Moral Skepticism, two different theories of human nature: psychological egoism and ethical egoism. The theory of psychological egoism refers to the view that all human actions are self-centered. On the other hand, the theory of ethical egoism is the idea that we are not obligated to do anything other than what is in our interest. Most individuals would consistently believe in ethical egoism because most generally care about the well-beingRead MoreEgoism Theory : Ethical Theory861 Words  | 4 PagesIn business, Egoism theory is the most used ethical theory. Egoism is one of the oldest philosophical ideas; however, in the last few centuries it has proven to become more influential in modern economics. Egoism is an action that is morally right if the decision-maker freely decide s to pursue their (short-term) desires or their (long-term) interests. In other words, the pursuit of an individual’s interest is also beneficial to society as a whole. I believe that egoism theory is the best fit becauseRead MoreEthical Egoism as Moral Theory Essay1250 Words  | 5 Pagesframework, ethical egoism fails as a moral theory to assist moral decision making because it endorses the animalistic nature of humanity, fails to provide a viable solution to a conflict of interest, and is proved to be an evolutionary unstable moral strategy. Outline: Ethical egoism claims that all our actions can be reduced to self-interest. This is a controversial moral theory which sometimes can be detrimental. Without a well-defined framework of the nature of self-interest, ethical egoismRead MoreThe Theory Of Psychological And Ethical Egoism959 Words  | 4 PagesWhen looking at the ideas of egoisms, two major views come out in the form of psychological and ethical egoism. While both of the views hinge on the idea that everybody acts in their own self-interest, the major separator is that ethical egoist views their pursuit of their personal gain morally right (106), even if they have to kill or steal for it, compared to the psychosocial egoist who just state that the only thing that motivates humans is their self-interest while the moral standings stay theRead MoreEthical Egoism Provides A Satisfactory Moral Theory1244 Words  | 5 Pages Do You Believe that Ethical Egoism Provides a Satisfactory Moral Theory? Ethical egoism is a position according to which every person takes care of themselves. According to ethical egoists, personal welfare should be the ultimate goal and as such, solely and exclusively focus on pursuit of self-interests. It prescribes a way in which people ought to behave morally. It also argues that maximization of personal interest is an important issue. Other people s welfare does not matter when making a moralRead MoreKantian Theory, Utilitarianism, And Ethical Egoism Perspective Essay2012 Words  | 9 Pagesespecially for tech enthusiasts and engineers. Even though these controversies are generally labeled as misconducts and bad practices, it turns out these practices are not necessarily unethical when seen from the three ethical perspectives: Kantian theory, Utilitarianism, and Ethical Egoism perspective. These three common perspectives in the study of ethics can be used to evaluate the ethicality of the internal practices and effects of Amazon. Imagine a person named Bob living a busy life New York CityRead MoreA Look At Ethical Egoism Essay933 Words  | 4 PagesA look at Ethical Egoism Introduced in 1874 by Henry Sidgwick in his book The Moral of Ethics, Ethical Egoism is an ethical theory that states that one ought to do what is in their best long term interest. This theory states that a morally correct being must in all cases do the thing that will give them the best result for their long term being. [1] Ethical Egoism stems from the idea that the self is the most important thing and that an ethical being has a moral obligation to do what is in theRead MoreEgoism And Ethical Egoism1291 Words  | 6 PagesEthics by Russ Shafer-Landau and Psychological Egoism and Hobbes by Hun Chung in order to talk about and give more insight on psychological egoism and ethical egoism. There are many things to know and learn such as what these theories are and how they are different and alike as well as other components supporting each theory. Psychological Egoism states that human actions are based on self-interest, even if the action appears to be selfless. It is a theory that all human actions are aimed at avoidingRead MoreEthic Theory and Practice1660 Words  | 7 Pagesfive chapters of Ethics Theory And Practice there are four main types of theories Ethical Egoism, Utilitarianism, Kantian Ethics, and Virtue Ethics. I will be presenting and reacting to each of these different Ethics, and presenting my own approach to Ethics. In the second chapter of our book Ethics Theory And Practice It discuses ethical egoism and utilitarianism. Ethical Egoism is a theory that states that everyone should act in their own self interest. Ethical Egoism can take three forms:
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Childhood Isolation And Its Effects On Children - 1290 Words
Being an only child, I have always wondered if I was affected by childhood isolation. I consider myself to be quite shy and quiet which got me thinking, has childhood isolation shaped me to be this way? From what I know, childhood isolation has many long-term affects on children such as shyness, depression, and can make a person antisocial. â€Å"How has being only child effected me†, is my primary question. From this question I hope to learn the different aspects of childhood isolation, like what does it really mean to be isolated, does it have different effects on people, and if so why? By answering these questions, I can discover if I experienced isolation in my childhood and how it might have impacted me physically, mentally, psychologically, and socially. I started my research by entering my question, â€Å"How does being an only child effect child development†, at the Wayne state library databases search engine and couldn’t really find what I was looking fo r, so I did a google search and found an article that partially answered my question. The article is titled â€Å"The Dangers of Loneliness†by Hara marano published on July 1, 2003; it discusses the many effects loneliness has on children and adults. More specifically, it explains the affects loneliness has on the mental and physical health of an individual. In the article it states, â€Å"unmet social needs take a serious toll on health, eroding our arteries, creating high blood pressure, and even undermining learning and memory†.Show MoreRelatedSocial Isolation, Neglect And Child Development964 Words  | 4 PagesSocial Isolation, Neglect and Child Development Social isolation is defined by Nicholson (2009) as a state in which the individual lacks a sense of belonging socially, lacks engagement and social contact with others and is unable to form quality relationships (as cited in Nicholson, 2012). Social isolation and neglect can have detrimental effects on a child’s overall physical, cognitive and emotional development. According to Kendall, Murray and Linden (2007), the initial love and nurturance weRead MoreThe Role of Attachment in Infancy Is Vital in Subsequent Emotional Development1223 Words  | 5 Pagesabandoned. The paper Total social isolation in monkeys by Dodsworth, Harlow, Harlow (1965), likens rhesus monkeys to children as parallels exist between the social development of humans and monkeys. The study kept infant rhesus monkeys in total isolation therefore depriving them completely of any caregiver and possibility of attachment, mimicking children in orphanages, or children suffering from emotional, physical or sexual abuse. Though no monkeys died during isolation, a monkey that had been isolatedRead MoreSymptoms And Causes Of Child Physical Abuse825 Words  | 4 PagesAlong with symptoms and causes of child physical abuse, physical abuse has long-term impacts on children. According to Adults Surviving Child Abuse (2015), research has found that childhood abuse contributes to the likelihood of depression, anxiety disorders, addictions, personality disorders, sexual disorders and suicidal behavior. A recent study found that almost 76% of adults reporting child physical abuse and negl ect have at least one psychiatric disorder in their lifetime and nearly 50% haveRead MoreEssay on Nurture versus Nature756 Words  | 4 Pages20 months, children of chatty mothers average 131 more words than children of less talkative mothers#8230; the critical factor is the number of times the child hears different words. (Begley, p.31) Hence, the child forms synapses through learning from experience, such as observing their mother in conversation. The structure of the brain is delicate, especially during the maturation years of development. If the brain is traumatized in any such way within the first years of childhood, those traumaticRead MoreThe Major Theoretical Perspectives Provide A Framework For Understanding And Conceptualizing Client s Current Mental Health Issues1625 Words  | 7 Pagesunderstanding and conceptualizing client’s current mental health issues and the potential contributory factors in the development of their problems. The present client, Toni Barone, is seeking treatment for her current unhappiness with her life, social isolation, and bereavement issues stemming from her father’s death. From a biological perspective, there appears to be a potential for some genetic or inherited mental health issues, with various family members presenting with diagnosed and undiagnosed disordersRead MoreEssay on The Increasing Prevelance of Type 2 Diabetes1011 Words  | 5 Pagesin children and teens was the type 1, little wonder it was called juvenile diabetes. Type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) is one of the most common chronic, unremitting medical conditions that develop in childhood or adolescence. There is a bimodal age of onset, with the first peak at 4 to 6 years and the second peak in early adolescence. But now younger people are also getting type 2 diabetes. Type 2 diabetes used to be called adult-onset diabetes. But now it is becoming more common in children andRead MoreInfluence of Culture on Parenting Practices and Child Development1141 Words  | 5 PagesInfluence of Culture on Parenting Practices and Child Development Parenting practices and child development have a strong correlation. â€Å"Parents often like to think that children are immune to the stressful complexities and troubles of the rapidly changing adult world†(Henderson, 2011). Many adults underestimate the perception of children to the world and, therefore, believing concerns of the child do not matter. There are numerous factors involved in the developing child such as family constellationRead MoreThe Effects Of Social Media On Children850 Words  | 4 PagesNegative Effects of Social Networking Social networks claim to connect us; however, connections have not gotten any better and are instead turning into anti-social networks; in which you decide to take control or be controlled. Children are using more technology now than they have ever used in the past. All of the negative effects that social media and television is having on adults are far greater when it comes to the developing minds of children. There is no way to know what long term effect technologyRead MoreA Society Of Family Life992 Words  | 4 Pages ‘A Society of Family Life’ (The Changing Nature of Childhood) by Deborah Chambers explores further into post-divorce families and the impact of new media, discovering the effects it has on young people and children in family homes. Chamber’s also addresses aspects such as race, ethnic identity and gender comparing individual values to cultural customs of today’s society and the diversity of family life. This paper will mainly review pos t-divorce outcomes involving financial and social criteria controllingRead MoreThe Effects Of Time Outs And Spanking On Children1711 Words  | 7 Pagesof time-outs and spanking are a good way to correct a misbehave in children. As people know time-out is is a method use to modify undesirable and inappropriate behavior in children, such as disobedience aggression and inappropriate social behavior. Exclusion time out is usually the process in which you placed the child in a corner of a room away from any fun activities un-reinforced by social interactions. There is also isolation time out in which you remove the child from the room and send them
The Importance of Management Information Systems
Question: Describe about The Importance of Management Information Systems? Answer: Introduction Management Information systems have become a crucial part of businesses today. Without the Information Technology, survival becomes very difficult for most industries. MIS can be defined in several ways: The MIS is a system which is used to give information support to an organization to facilitate faster and efficient decision making . The MIS is system which integrates powers of man and machine for generating information which supports business operations, management and enables people to make decisions for an organization. The Management Information System works with a database of an organization to provide information to people working with an organization. The MIS is an Information and management System of an organization which is developed using computers Management Information systems have helped various organizations that have been competing in a global market. Organizations can be made more competitive as well as efficient by allowing several key business processes or customer relationship building measures, dealer, and workforce to work using information technology. Management information systems are used by organizations for achieving six key objectives that include operation excellence, latest products, services, business models, customer or supplier relationships, better decision making, competitive advantage and daily survival. An MIS must be able of handle any requirement based exception reporting. Such a requirement can be individual or of a group. It required MIS to maintain all the organizational data together and in such format whenever a need arises, data can be made available immediately. Data can be same but different users may require to view it in different formats. To address this need of varied data presentation, concept of Database emerged, and when MIS used this DATABASE, its processing became more effective. This compelled companies to generate more data. As data increased significantly, it became more complicated. Twitter generates over 7 TB of data every day, Facebook has more than 10 TB of it and certain enterprises are generating data of several Terabytes every hour. Volumes of data are large but managing this data is difficult and thus, companies are usually overwhelmed. The large volumes makes it even difficult for MIS to make sense of data. This is why concept of Big Data came into exi stence. Background Initially, MIS was used for processing organizational data, preparing reports and then present them to management at regular intervals. The system was used for managing the data from collection till processing. It required greater involvement of individuals as they had to manually choose from the processed data to use it as per the need. The concept was however modified later by separating data from information. The information is aobtained after analyzing data. The concept had to further evolve as need based exception reporting was required. The need was of an individual or of a group. MIS in today's scenario manages databases, provides computing facilities for end user and provides some decision making tools to them. An MIS provides information that results from data analysis which is conducted as per certain academic concepts that include certain theories, some principles and key concepts in Management Science, Psychology and Behavioural Science. They make the system more efficien t as well as useful. These academic disciplines are used for designing of MIS, creating tools for decision support or for modelling. In simple words, an information system accepts raw data and using one or more transmutation processes, generate information out of it, which can be used as an information product. It has certain functional elements related to organization and its environment. These are: perception initial data entry requires data to be captured or generated, recording physical data capture; processing data transformation as per definite needs of an organization; transmission Flow of data in the information system; storage In storage, the data is kept for anticipated future use; retrieval This means searching required data from from record; presentation communication and reporting decision making use of MIS for making decision that are somewhat controversial, except when the decisions involved are making use of data in the MIS (Adeoti Adekeye, 1997) . Uses of MIS To get general idea about organizations information requirements. To analyze role of management and the ways they use information. To argue how information is used for making decisions. To indentify information need for daily operations of an organization. Key features of a MIS For understanding activities involved in information processing, a formal system should be used which can consider following concerns: Handling high volume of data. Confirm the validity of data as well as transaction. Process complex data and perform multidimensional analysis. Quick searching and retrieving. Organizations have certain departments such as marketing, production, sales, inventory and maintenance that function separately as well as are connected with each other. Information is generated in abundance by these departments that the MIS ha st o integrate. MIS also assist in creating a mechanism for eliminating data redundancies MIS can be divided into sub systems that can be programmed individually. This would provide easy access to data as well as ensure accuracy of data and information. It also maintains consistency of the data (Tripathy, 2011). Key benefits of using MIS Economy of scales is achieved when collective costs of different operations is less than the total cost of performing every operations individually. Using MIS, different operation in a business can be united such that the information can be made available from one department to other easy and fast. Extract more information from data: The key aim of an MIS is to convert data into useful information. When the data required by a manager is unstructured, MIS can still organize this data in such a way that it looks like an information which can be directly used by managers for making decisions about critical projects. Sharing of data: Data can be shared with authorized users using MIS so that they can access large amount of data. Different users can use same data. Latest data can also be added to the database very easily and results could be obtained through combination of old and new data. Balance conflicting requirements: For smooth functioning of management, personal conflicts must be addressed and sorted using MIS when preparing a combined data which is to be supplied to all departments depending on their individual requirements such that departments do not become depended on each other when requiring information for any vital or critical project. They should be able to access similar information within a department such that their interpersonal disagreements are avoided. Standards Enforcement:- MIS assists an organization in enforcement of standards for data. These standards may be used for data including names, usages and formats such that they have a uniformly all through the organization. Control Redundancy: Earlier, the data was present in separate files but with MIS, this data is integrated into one database, which eliminates the need of creating multiple copies of this data. As repetition of data is avoided, redundancy would be controlled, and there would not be any need for checking data again and again. Integration: Management information systems integrate the data from different locations and department keeping it in one place as whole and at the same time, separate records are created for storing this data. It becomes very easy to gain access to full data within the system of an organization. Consistency: MIS provides consistent and accurate data. MIS has a system for detecting spelling or wrong entry errors while a user enters the data into the MIS system which eliminates several types of error in the initial stage itself. Information Security : Security means preventing unauthorized users from accessing data using the MIS of the business. As MIS controls the operational data of the company, it can set authorization processes such that only legitimate users can have the access to the organizational data. Flexibility and Responsiveness: As data collected from multiple files are now stored in same database, responding to a data request from different areas becomes flexible and easy. Types of MIS Systems: There are different types of Management Information Systems that are available in market. These MIS systems can give different types of benefits for organizations using them. However, their purposes could be related and could even be similar. Transaction processing systems (TPS) are used for collecting and recording the data generated by daily operations of a firm. This system can primarily be used by lower levels of the management. MIS can generate specific scheduled reports on the basis of extracted data such that these reports summarize the data obtained from transaction processing systems (TPS) and can assist middle as well as operational level managers to get solutions for decision problems that can be both structured or semi structured. Decision-support systems (DSS) are those computer based applications that are utilized by middle management for compiling information using a number of different sources such that problems could be solved or decisions could be made. Such decisions are exercised by top level executives of the firm. Executive support systems (ESS) is one form of reporting tool which an give fast access to reports that are received from different ranks of organization or its departments such as accounting, HR or operations. Such a system can give vital information obtained from data that may be from internal or external source very easily such that this information can be presented to managers and top level executives. Knowledge management system (KMS) is an information system which is used for supporting, creating, organizing and distributing of the business knowledge to company staff. Strategic information system (SIS) uses IT for building competitive advantage for a firm with respect to its products, services and business processes. Functional business system (FBS) is focused on operations of the organization and its management specific applications that are used for supporting business function such as accounting, marketing and more. MIS and Big Data MIS uses an approach which is data-centred and its derivation lies in longstanding database management domain. It is majorly based on processes like data collection, extraction, and analysis technologies (Chaudhuri, Dayal and Narasayya, 2015). Data management and data warehousing are foundations of BIA 1.0. Designing data marts and extraction tools, transforming, ETL loading are vital for conversion and integration of enterprise data. Database queries, online analytical processing (OLAP), and tools for reporting use simple and intuitive visuals that investigate significant characteristics of the data. Business performance management (BPM) can be used for generating scorecards or dashboards for analyzing and visualizing a number of performance metrics. Other than these long-established reporting tools, business analysis and data mining methods are also used for analyzing associations, segmenting data and clustering or classifying data, using regression, anomaly detection techniques, and predictive modelling in several business applications. Many of these processing and analytics techniques are already used in some famous commercial MIS platforms that are made available by key IT vendors such as Microsoft, IBM, Oracle, and SAP (Sallam, 2011). BIA is data driven, highly applied and leverages on opportunities that a huge amount of data presents. For instance, it can perform domain-specific analytics which may be used in several decisive and impactful application areas. Some of these BIA applications are listed down, and the data analytics, probable impacts, and some examples and studi es are also presented: (1) ecommerce for market intelligence, (2) e-government and politics 2.0, (3) science and technology, (4) health and well-being, and (5) security or public safety. E-Commerce and Market Intelligence Some big E-commerce vendors like Amazon and eBay have transformed the market significantly using innovative ways like product recommender systems on scalable recommender platforms. Some major internet based companies including Google, Amazon, and Facebook are leaders are developing web analytics, cloud computing services, and social media applications. The generation of Web 2.0 content by customers on forums, crowd-sourcing systems, newsgroups and social media websites, provide new opportunities to researchers and practitioners to hear the voices of consumers from different business groups formed by customers, employees, investors, and media (Doan and Ramakrishnan, 2011). E-Government and Politics 2.0 Government or political processes become transparent and allow participation using online media which is multimedia-rich. BIA research can be used in e-government or politics 2.0 applications. Mining of opinions, analyzing social network discussions using analytics can facilitate political participation online, encourage e-democracy, political blogs and forums analysis, e-government service delivery, build transparency as well as accountability (Chen 2009; Chen et al. 2007). For e-government applications, developers create semantic information directories and ontological information for serving their target people. Science and Technology Certain concepts of science and technology (ST) use high-throughput sensors and instruments, principles of astrophysics and oceanography, use genomics and environmental research for innovating and developing understanding of big data. For instance, In astronomical science, the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS)5 is used for creating computing methods and big data for supporting and facilitating decision making from senses at macroscopic as well as microscopic level. This research field has become global and is expanding rapidly. Smart Health and Wellbeing There are two key sources that can be used for obtaining health related big data use genomics (genotyping, gene expression, sequencing data) and payprovider (electronic health records, insurance records, pharmacy prescription, patient feedback and responses) (Miller 2012a). The raw sequencing data that is received from people through health related information platforms is around four terabytes per person. From the payprovider side, a data matrix can be used for carrying data of thousands of patients containing several related records and parameters (demographics, medications, outcomes) that are obtained over time from them. However, there are many challenges that are faced while extracting knowledge from health related big data. In past few years, electronic health records (EHR) are being used in various hospitals and clinics all over the world. The data collected in these records can provide significant clinical knowledge for understanding disease patterns of patients. Security and Public Safety Huge data is generated every day on crime, terrorism, cyber threats, etc. is gathered through multiple sources by Intelligence, security, and public safety agencies which constitute multilingual open-source intelligence. There are many companies that face cyber threats irrespective of the size of their business and protection of intellectual assets and information infrastructure has become challenging. It is very difficult to process or analyze security related data for protection. One of the key challenges faced in security related researches is the information stovepipe or overload that results from accessing data from multiple sources, with different data formats, and in big volumes. Researches that are done on technologies for internet security, counter-terrorism, and applications that fight crime do not have any consistent framework that could resolve these data challenges. However, there are some of the information system and intelligence technologies like crime associations ru le mining or clustering, analysis of criminal networks, spatial-temporal analysis, visualization, multilingual text analytics, analysis of sentiments, and of cyber attacks that can be used for performing researches on security informatics. References: Adeoti Adekeye, W. (1997). The importance of management information systems.Library Review, 46(5), pp.318-327. Chaudhuri, S., Dayal, U. and Narasayya, V. (2015). An Overview of Business Intelligence Technology.Communications of the ACM, 54(8), pp.88-98. Doan, A. and Ramakrishnan, R. (2011). Crowdsourcing Systems on the World-Wide Web.Communications of the ACM, 54(4), pp.86-96. Lin, Y. and Brown, R. (2011). Data Mining Large-Scale Electronic Health Records for Clinical Support.IEEE Intelligent Systems, 26(5), p.89. Sallam, R. (2011). Magic Quadrant for Business Intelligence Platforms.Gartner Group, 2(1), p.40. Tripathy, K. (2011). Role of Management Information System (MIS) in Human Resource.IJCST, 2(1), p.59. YORK, D. (2000). THE SLOAN DIGITAL SKY SURVEY : TECHNICAL SUMMARY.THE ASTRONOMICAL, 1(1-4), p.1579. Olofson, C. W., Vesset, D. (2012). B i g D a t a : T r e n d s , S t r a t e g i e s , a n d S AP T e c h n o l o g y. SAP. ATOS SE. (2013). revelation big data for media insight, intelligence, intimacy. FSC. MongoDB experts. (2014). Big Data:Examples and Guidelines for the Enterprise Decision Maker. New York: MongoDB. Aaron. (2013). Cassandra, Hive, and Hadoop: How We Picked Our Analytics Stack. McGuigan, W. (2014 ) 5 Questions chief data officers must answer for effective results. Barret, T. (2002). Interpreting Art: Building Communal and Individual Understandings. In Y. Gaudelius, P. Speirs, Contemporary Issues in Art Education (pp. 291-300).
Thursday, April 23, 2020
Why Limp Bizkit is NOT Heavy Metal Essay Example For Students
Why Limp Bizkit is NOT Heavy Metal Essay Why Limp Bizkit Is Not Heavy MetalIf a person were to view any classic talented Heavy Metal band, it would be apparent that, the band, Limp Bizkit, is in no way resembling a Heavy Metal band. Limp Bizkit is clearly a Rap band and not a Heavy Metal band. First, the band members behave like Rappers. Secondly, their music and vocal style is of heavy resemblance to Rap. Finally, all their song lyrics reek of gangsta-rap lingo (ebonics). Limp Bizkit is Rap and not Heavy Metal because they, the band members, behave like rappers. They swing their arms outwards aimlessly, criss-crossing their bodies, with their fingers strained and extended, and their hands bent at the wrist. This behavior is rampant in, either small time or big time, Rappers. Their attire consists of extremely baggy pants, shirts three sizes larger than needed, and large gold necklaces as well as a multitude of useless rings. Coincidentally, or not, Rappers also dress this way. For these reasons, Limp Bizkit is a Rap band a nd not a Heavy Metal band. We will write a custom essay on Why Limp Bizkit is NOT Heavy Metal specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Limp Bizkit is Rap and not Heavy Metal because their music and vocal style is that of Rap. They, Limp Bizkit, use Rap Turn-Tables and synthesizers to aid their mindless and annoying ado do cha beat. They sing and talk with an ebonic slur, as they shake their bodies erratically, making criss-cross motions with their hands, and raising each foot in turn while crouching. All this can be seen being performed by a common Rap fan or Rap artist. These points reinforce the fact that Limp Bizkit is Rap and not Heavy Metal. Limp Bizkit is Rap and not Heavy Metal because all their song lyrics are laced with gangsta-rap lingo. For example, mellow out bitch I thought I knew ya took the time to throw my love into ya screw ya cuz now you got me sittin in the sewer (Sour, by Limp Bizkit)This quote explicitly shows how Limp Bizkit uses Rapper style lyrics in their supposed Heavy Metal songs. A majority of Limp Bizkits songs deal with criminal offenses (eg. Vandalism, Homicide, Prohibited use of a firearm, Prostitution, etc.), as do a majority of Rap songs. When considering this evidence, it is fair enough to say that Limp Bizkit is Rap and not Heavy Metal. In conclusion, Limp Bizkit is Rap and NOT Heavy Metal. This is true, because the band members behave and dress like Rappers. Plus, their music and vocal style is parallel to Rap. And finally, Limp Bizkit is Rap because of all the common Rapper lingo that they utilize. For these reasons, the bands nomination for Best Heavy Metal Album should be revoked. Thank you.
Tuesday, March 17, 2020
What Can You Expect on SAT Test Day A Complete Guide
What Can You Expect on SAT Test Day A Complete Guide SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips When test day’s just around the corner, what final steps can you take to feel prepared? This guide will go over exactly what happens on the day you take the SAT so that you don’t have any surprises. Read on to learn what will happen at your test center, along with an overview of the materials you need to bring. Finally, we’ll discuss some strategies you can use to deal with nerves and feel confident going into the SAT. To start, let’s discusswhat will happen when you arrive at your test center to take the SAT. SAT Test Day: Arrival What can you expect to happen between the time you get to your testing center and when you start in on your first section? First off, you’ll want to arrive at your testing center - probably your high school - between 7:30 and 7:45. The doors will open at 7:45 and close at 8:00 AM unless your admission ticket says otherwise. A closed door means no more entry, so arriving late is not an option. Once you enter the school or testing center, you’ll likely be greeted by a few helpers signing people in and directing students to their testing rooms. You’ll show your admission ticket and ID and then find your testing room. You may have to store your bag or jacket in a locker or other designated area; other testing centers simply let you put your things under your desk. Once everyone’s checked in and taken their seats, your test proctor will pass out your testing materials, like your SAT booklet and answer sheet, and begin to give instructions. You’ll spend some time filling out identifying information, like your name and contact details, as well as listening to instructions about timing and how to bubble in your answer sheet. Depending on how long it takes everyone to get settled, all of these preliminaries will take about 30 minutes to an hour. Arriving atyour testing room will likely be the easiest part of a challenging morning, but is there anything extra you can do to ensure an easy-going start to your day? Tips for Arrival Perhaps the most important thing you can do that Saturday morning is arrive on time. Getting to your testing center between 7:30 and 7:45 is ideal. Much earlier, and you might work yourself into a nervous wreck as you sit around in the parking lot. Any later, and you’ll be rushing in late or, worst case scenario, miss your test completely and have to reschedule. So how can you ensure a punctual arrival? First, set your alarm early enough to give yourself the time you need to get ready (and actually get up when it rings, rather than playing a game of chicken with your snooze button). Second, figure out how long it takes to get to your testing center and what the traffic situation is like around 7:00 AM. Hopefully, it will be smooth sailing on a Saturday morning. And third, make sure you’re confident about navigation, both in terms of how to get to your testing center and how to make your way around the building. Again, for most students, this should be easy, as they’ll be testing at their local high school. If you’re going somewhere unfamiliar, though, then you might do a test journey a few days before. Getting lost on the morning of the SAT is not a nightmare you want to experience! In addition to ensuring you get from point A (your home) to point B (your desk for the next 3 to 4 hours) smoothly, you should also make sure to listen to all your proctor’s instructions. Fill out your answer sheet correctly so there’s no delay with your scores. Don’t open your test booklet until told to do so. And, of course, make sure your cell phone is packed away and definitely turned off. After everyone’s seated and gotten through the first round of instructions, it’s finally time for the main feature: taking the SAT. What should you expect for the next few hours? The day of the bubble sheet is finally upon you. SAT Test Day: Taking the Test Finally, you’re ready for the main event - actually taking the SAT. There’s no exact start time for the test; instead, it depends on how long it takes for everyone to get settled and your proctor to get through instructions. That means that students will start in on their first sections between 8:30 AM and 9:00 AM. For simplicity’s sake, you might expect that you’ll start testing at 8:45. Your proctor should instruct you in everything, from when to open your test booklet to when to put down your pencils. Most proctors also give you a five or ten minute warning, usually writing on the board when your section’s almost over. Once you start testing, you’ll pretty much be focused in for the next three hours, or four with the essay, with just a few short breaks in between some of the sections. Here’s the exact structure to expect: Start with the 65-minute Reading section. You’ll get five passages with a total of 52 questions. Take a short break of 10minutes. You can stretch, drink water, have a snack, and use the restroom. You can’t use this time to check your cell phone or charge any electronics. Sit back down, and start in on the 35-minute Writing and Language section. After Writing, your proctor will instruct you to move onto the 25-minute Math No Calculator section. At the end of the Math No Calculator, you get a second, shorter break of five minutes.At the end of this break, get out your calculator for the next section. Get to work on your 55-minute Math section. For this section, you can use yourcalculator. At this point, you’ve been testing for three hours. It will be sometime between 11:40 and 12:10. If you’re not taking the essay section, then you’re all finished with the SAT! You’ll wait for the proctor to collect your test booklets and, when instructed, you’ll be free to go. If you are taking the essay section, then you’ll have a very short, two-minute break and then get started on this 50-minute section. After time has been called, then you’ll be all finished with the test. Tips for Taking the Test Assuming that you’ve already spent time prepping for the SAT, there are a few other things you can do as you’re taking the SAT to perform your best. Simply familiarizing yourself with its exact structure and format, for instance, will reduce any distracting surprises and help you know how to manage your time. You should listen to your proctor’s instructions, but ideally, they’ll just be a repeat of everything that you already know. Make sure that you only work on the designated section and don’t flip through the book. College Board is very strict with its guidelines; if a proctor sees you jumping ahead, then your scores could be completely canceled. I once worked with a student who flipped through the pages and ended up having her scores canceled. Since College Board isn’t very forthcoming with its communication, she didn’t actually know her test had been invalidated for a couple of months! Don’t let this happen to you. Another way you can make the most of your test-taking experience is to take advantage of your break times. Even though they’re short, they’re valuable opportunities to get up, move around, and re-energize. Just looking and moving around will reduce eye strain and get your blood flowing. Make sure to stay hydrated and eat a healthy snack to fuel all that mental exercise. Also, make sure to use one of the first two breaks if you need to use the restroom - you won't be allowedto leave the room between the second Math section and the Essay. Finally, make sure to be aware of your rights and speak up if your testing center doesn’t honor them. You’re entitled to a quiet testing space and two break times (or three with the essay). If there are issues, or you don’t get your breaks, speak up!The SAT is meant to compare students on an equal playing field, so testing conditions should be fair across the board. Once you’ve gotten through the hard part of actually taking the SAT,how is your test day going to conclude? It's almost time to celebrate... SAT Test Day: Finishing Up Your end time depends on whether or not you’re taking the essay section of the SAT. If you’re not, then you’ll be finished after three hours, sometime between 11:40 and 12:10. You’ll wait for your proctor to collect all materials and then be free to leave the room. If you are taking the 50-minute essay section, then you’ll have a short break after Math and be all finished around 1:00 PM. As with the students who already left, you’ll close up your test booklet and wait until your proctor collects everything. Once you’re given the green light, you can leave the testing center, turn your cell phone back on, and go home or out for ice cream sundaes. Your final step? Celebrating the fact that you finished the SAT! Tips for Finishing Up There are just a few things to keep in mind as you finish up your test. First, don’t leave until instructed to do so. College Board is stringent about test confidentiality, so you don’t want to encounter any issues. Make sure your proctor has collected all test materials and told everyone it’s time to go. On a similar note, you shouldn’t immediately start talking about the test with your friends. College Board prohibits discussing test questions and can cancel your scores if they heard that you publicized specific questions in person or online. These guidelines around confidentiality are another reason that you shouldn’t turn your cell phone on until you’ve left the testing center. If you’re not taking the essay section, make sure to respect those students who are still in testing mode. Quietly gather all your belongings and leave the testing center before you start cheering about having finished. When you are finally done, congratulate yourself on all your hard work! You should receive your scores online in about three weeks. Now that you know exactly how your morning will proceed on test day, let’s rewind to the days and weeks leading up to the test. To begin, what materials do you need to bring to the SAT? Pockets are your friend on SAT test day. What Do You Need to Bring to the SAT? There are a few essentials that you absolutely must bring to the SAT (hello, admission ticket), as well as some other items that could enhance your testing experience. These are the critical materials: printed admission ticket, acceptable photo ID, Number 2 pencils, a calculator, and an eraser. Additionally, you should bring a drink, along with some energy-boosting snacks. Some people like to bring a watch to keep track of time, but I wouldn’t necessarily recommend it, as there’s no way of knowing whether it matches up exactly with the clock the proctor will be using. If it helps you, go for it; if it’s distracting, then leave it home. Finally, you may want to bring a bag that will help keep everything organized. It’d be nice to know exactly where your calculator is, rather than having to rummage around in a black hole of apurse(story of my life) for the things you need. In addition to packing an organized bag, what else can you do to prepare everything you need for the SAT? Prepare Your Bag the Night Before With a 7:45 arrival, you’re looking at an early wake-up the morning of the SAT. I highly recommend getting everything packed and ready to go the night before. Make sure you’ve printed out at least one copy of your admission ticket - two is even better, just in case. Printers apparently have a built-in autodestruct feature if you try to use them right before an important deadline, so don’t wait to print out your ticket at the last minute. Calculators can also be unpredictable tricksters, so make sure that yours is in full working order and has a fresh battery with hours of life ahead of it. You might even bring a backup battery. You should place your calculator somewhere that’s easy for you toaccess between the No Calculator and Calculator math sections. As for drinks and snacks, opt for something wholesome and sustaining, like mixed nuts and fruit, over something that will just make your energy spike and then collapse. Think whole grains and protein, rather than sugar. Your brain’s actually using up a lot of energy answering all those grammar and math questions; fuel up just as you would for a work-out. Finally, don’t bring any prohibited technology or anything that makes sounds. Make sure your cell phone is off and out of sight by the time you enter the testing center. Apart from packing your bag with everything you need the day before, what else can you do to feel prepared for the SAT? How can you get in the right headspace for test day? How to Feel Confident for SAT Test Day Everyone feels nervous going into the SAT. It’s an important test day, and you’ve probably been experiencing weeks, if not months, of anticipation. While some adrenaline can actually help you focus and do well, too much stress could distract you from the tasks at hand - and just be unpleasant besides. So how can you achieve that sweet spot of focused but in control, aware of the high stakes and confident about achieving your goals? Read on for a few tips for staying in control so you can show up to the SAT feeling good. Let Yourself Relax the Day Before Rather than spending the day before your SAT with an all-day cram session, let yourself take a break and relax. You may spend an hour or two reviewing those last minute tricky concepts and strategies, but otherwise, you should trust that you’ve done everything you could at this point to prepare. Instead of over-studying, use the day before to let the work you’ve done sink into your consciousness. Spend your time taking care of yourself with activities that make you happy, like spending time in nature, journaling, listening to music, reading inspiring quotes, or hanging outwith friends (just not too late!). Choose activities that bring you peace of mind, as well as ones that reduce stress - like exercise. Fun fact: "power posing" for two minutes can change your body chemistry and enhance your confidence. So try doing your best Wonder Woman before the SAT! Establish an Exercise Routine It’s a well-supported factthat exercise reduces stress and enhances mental clarity. If you don’t already have a physical outlet, make it a priority to find one that suits you, whether it’s sports, walking, running, lifting, swimming, or yoga. Exercising for just half an hour about three to five times a week can significantly reduce anxiety. While exercising won’t completely eliminate nerves before the SAT, it will help reduce them, especially if you’re prone to test-taking anxiety. Plus, meeting physical goals can further fortify your confidence in your ability to overcome challenges.Even though you’re busy studying for the SAT and school, making the time to take care of your physical health will only improve your mental game. Exercise can also help you sleep better, a helpful side effect before you take this early morning test. Studies have shown that "blue light"is great during the day, but disastrous for sleeping. Dim the lights and step away from screens before bed to improve your sleep. MakeSleep a Priority Getting enough sleep is always important to our well-being, especially so before the intensive SAT. The night before, try to go to bed early. That means actually turning off the lights and trying to sleep, rather than inadvertently adding three extra hours of pre-sleep cell phone and laptop time. Of course, worrying about the SAT can make it hard to sleep that well. If you have a night of tossing and turning, you can still do well on the test and just crash afterward. Still, you can set the conditions for quality sleep by getting into a calm space Friday night. Step away from the cell phone, make some herbal tea, and even try turning off all sources of "blue light" in your room so you can sleep and wake up refreshed for your early morning alarm. Resist the Snooze Button What’s almost as stressful as the SAT? Running totally late in the mornings when you have to be somewhere important. As discussed above, you can’t be late for the SAT, as doors will close on you at 8:00 AM. Just as printing your admission ticket and packing your bags the day before will help you have a smooth morning, so too will leaving yourself enough time to get ready in the morning. You might leave yourself a checklist of everything you need to do, which hopefully is a short list comprised of getting dressed, brushing your teeth, and remembering your bag of pencils and snacks. Don't give into the temptation of the snooze button; just get up as soon as you can after your alarm goes off the first time. That way, you'll also have timefor the most important meal of the day. Grab a bananafor breakfast or a snack on SAT test day. Not only are they yummy, but studies have shown that bananas make peoplehappier! Eat a Nutritious Breakfast Exercise and sleep have a big effect on your mood and feelings, just like the food you put in your body. Processed and sugary foods, like muffins and tons of cereals, might give you an energy rush and then leave you feeling sluggish and hungry. Foods with protein and whole grains are a safer bet - eggs, whole wheat toast, oatmeal, vegetables, and fruits are all good options. If you’re someone who’s just not hungry that early in the morning, I still recommend trying to eat something, or at least bringing along enough snacks to recharge during your test breaks. You don’t want to be distracted by a grumbling stomach or, as discussed in the next point, an itchy wool sweater. Wear Comfortable Clothes and Layers Another way to take care of your physical state is to wear comfortable clothes and prepare for fluctuating temperatures in your classroom. By wearing layers, you can prepare for a room that’s too warm or too cold. Wear clothes that are comfortable - you’ll be sitting at a desk for three to four hours - and that make you feel confident. All of the above considerations - exercise, sleep, breakfast, clothes - will help you take care of your physical state and, indirectly, your mental and emotional state as well. You can also use mental strategies to boost your confidence and reduce stress before the test. For instance, don’t underestimate the power of â€Å"positive self-talk.†Think positive! Identify Negative Thoughts, and Replace Them with Positive Ones If you’re thinking the SAT is a scary, horrible test that will make or break your entire future, then it totally makes sense that worry and stress would immediately follow. Our thoughts and our feelings are inextricably linked. Even if we’re not consciously aware of a worry, we might still experience a nagging sense of anxiety because that concernis sitting in the back of our mind. If you’re stuck in negative thoughts about being a bad or slow test-taker, then these worries may act as self-fulfilling prophecies. But if you can reframe your negative thoughts in more positive and productive ways, then you may feel and, as a result, perform even better! Instead of ruminating about running out of time on the math section, for instance, think instead about all the ways that your prep has helped you improve. Instead of assuming that missing one Reading question means you tanked the entire section, think about how the next questions are opportunities to do better. If you can identify thoughts that cause you distress, you may be able to change unhelpfulthoughts patterns and, consequently, your feelings about taking the SAT. Let your inner dialogue sound like the words of encouragement you might give to your best friend. The nice, reassuring things you’d say to him or her are the same kind of pep talk you should give to yourself. Positive thinking may help you feel better, and feeling better may help you do better on the SAT. Be the tree! Embrace your growth mindset. Adopta Growth Mindset On a similar note, embracing a â€Å"growth mindset†(as termed by Carol Dweck in Mindset: The New Psychology of Success) throughout your SAT prep may help maximize your improvement. Rather than seeing your skills as fixed, and,therefore, unchangeable, you could embrace the idea that you can continuously learn and develop with effort and persistence. Maybe you didn’t understand quadratic equations when you started prepping, but you’ve mastered them now. Perhaps you kept running out of time on SAT Reading, but after trying out skimming strategies and taking numerous practice tests, you’ve gotten much faster and more efficient. By believing that you can improve and using failure as an opportunity to learn, rather than as a dead end, you can continuously grow and work towards your goals. This growth mindset will help if you encounter a difficult question or section or even if you decide to retake the SAT for a second or third time. Ultimately, you can achieve your SAT goals, along with your other academic and personal goals, by truly believing that you can and continuing to put forth your best effort, persistence, and preparation. What’s Next? Now you know what to expect on test day, but are you familiar with the exact structure of the test itself? Check out this guide for the start and end times of each section of the SAT, along with how many passages and questions you can expect to encounter in each. Have you registered for your test yet? These guides will help you choose your best test dates and figure out how many times you should take the SAT to reach your target scores. Are you interested in strategies for reducing stress and clearing your mind? Check out our article on mindfulness and how this practice can help improve your focus and sense of well-being. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points?We've written a guide about the top five strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:
Sunday, March 1, 2020
How to Write a Short Story in 2019 7 Steps to an Unforgettable Story
How to Write a Short Story in 2019 7 Steps to an Unforgettable Story How to Write a Short Story in 2019: 7 Steps to an Unforgettable Story From Rudyard Kipling’s â€Å"The Jungle Book†to the bone-chilling works of Shirley Jackson and Edgar Allan Poe, short stories have always had the power to captivate and profoundly move us. But how to write a short story that makes such an impact - especially when you’ve never done it before?Luckily, this form is an ideal medium for beginners, as well as those hoping to get back in the writing saddle. It allows you to dip a toe into the vast ocean of literary creation without drowning, while also challenging you to be effectively concise. This post will show you how to write a story by taking you through the full process: starting with your basic understanding of the form and ending with the big, beautiful bow you’ll put on your finished piece before sending it out to the world.If you'd like to download our free checklist on submitting your writing, skip ahead to the appropriate section below! Otherwise, read on. What is a short story?For those unfamiliar with the form, here are some stats to help you out:A short story is a piece of fiction typically no longer than 8,000 words.Most short stories are only 2,000 to 5,000, butMicrofiction might be less than 500, andA longer â€Å"short†story might be as many as 20,000 (novellas start around 30,000 words).â€Å"You become a different writer when you approach or write a story,†says Zadie Smith. â€Å"When things are not always having to represent other things , you find real human beings begin to cautiously appear on your pages.†Writing a w ell-done story means that you've achieved a microcosm for humanity. Regardless of what you write about or how you choose to portray it, your story will be a success if you do so with genuine heart. It could be about aliens or elephants or inanimate objects - as long as it contains that key emotion, other people will find themselves moved by it. You may even end up turning it into a novel or novella someday.But remember: writing short stories is not merely a path to greatness. A truly heart-wrenching short story is greatness in and of itself.Are you a writer of short fiction? What are your tips for writing a story? Leave any thoughts or questions in the comments below!
How to Write a Short Story in 2019 7 Steps to an Unforgettable Story
How to Write a Short Story in 2019 7 Steps to an Unforgettable Story How to Write a Short Story in 2019: 7 Steps to an Unforgettable Story From Rudyard Kipling’s â€Å"The Jungle Book†to the bone-chilling works of Shirley Jackson and Edgar Allan Poe, short stories have always had the power to captivate and profoundly move us. But how to write a short story that makes such an impact - especially when you’ve never done it before?Luckily, this form is an ideal medium for beginners, as well as those hoping to get back in the writing saddle. It allows you to dip a toe into the vast ocean of literary creation without drowning, while also challenging you to be effectively concise. This post will show you how to write a story by taking you through the full process: starting with your basic understanding of the form and ending with the big, beautiful bow you’ll put on your finished piece before sending it out to the world.If you'd like to download our free checklist on submitting your writing, skip ahead to the appropriate section below! Otherwise, read on. What is a short story?For those unfamiliar with the form, here are some stats to help you out:A short story is a piece of fiction typically no longer than 8,000 words.Most short stories are only 2,000 to 5,000, butMicrofiction might be less than 500, andA longer â€Å"short†story might be as many as 20,000 (novellas start around 30,000 words).â€Å"You become a different writer when you approach or write a story,†says Zadie Smith. â€Å"When things are not always having to represent other things , you find real human beings begin to cautiously appear on your pages.†Writing a w ell-done story means that you've achieved a microcosm for humanity. Regardless of what you write about or how you choose to portray it, your story will be a success if you do so with genuine heart. It could be about aliens or elephants or inanimate objects - as long as it contains that key emotion, other people will find themselves moved by it. You may even end up turning it into a novel or novella someday.But remember: writing short stories is not merely a path to greatness. A truly heart-wrenching short story is greatness in and of itself.Are you a writer of short fiction? What are your tips for writing a story? Leave any thoughts or questions in the comments below!
How to Write a Short Story in 2019 7 Steps to an Unforgettable Story
How to Write a Short Story in 2019 7 Steps to an Unforgettable Story How to Write a Short Story in 2019: 7 Steps to an Unforgettable Story From Rudyard Kipling’s â€Å"The Jungle Book†to the bone-chilling works of Shirley Jackson and Edgar Allan Poe, short stories have always had the power to captivate and profoundly move us. But how to write a short story that makes such an impact - especially when you’ve never done it before?Luckily, this form is an ideal medium for beginners, as well as those hoping to get back in the writing saddle. It allows you to dip a toe into the vast ocean of literary creation without drowning, while also challenging you to be effectively concise. This post will show you how to write a story by taking you through the full process: starting with your basic understanding of the form and ending with the big, beautiful bow you’ll put on your finished piece before sending it out to the world.If you'd like to download our free checklist on submitting your writing, skip ahead to the appropriate section below! Otherwise, read on. What is a short story?For those unfamiliar with the form, here are some stats to help you out:A short story is a piece of fiction typically no longer than 8,000 words.Most short stories are only 2,000 to 5,000, butMicrofiction might be less than 500, andA longer â€Å"short†story might be as many as 20,000 (novellas start around 30,000 words).â€Å"You become a different writer when you approach or write a story,†says Zadie Smith. â€Å"When things are not always having to represent other things , you find real human beings begin to cautiously appear on your pages.†Writing a w ell-done story means that you've achieved a microcosm for humanity. Regardless of what you write about or how you choose to portray it, your story will be a success if you do so with genuine heart. It could be about aliens or elephants or inanimate objects - as long as it contains that key emotion, other people will find themselves moved by it. You may even end up turning it into a novel or novella someday.But remember: writing short stories is not merely a path to greatness. A truly heart-wrenching short story is greatness in and of itself.Are you a writer of short fiction? What are your tips for writing a story? Leave any thoughts or questions in the comments below!
Thursday, February 13, 2020
Expansion and Merger Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Expansion and Merger - Research Paper Example But empirical evidence points to the fallacy of this theory. As it is, government intervention is only sought when there is a major economic crisis, like during the 2008 Wall Street crash. It is a bit unfair for the general population that tax-payer money is doled out to greedy corporations when they are in trouble. At the same time, during the boom their behavior is not regulated in the name of Laissez-faire. The activities of the financial services industry being the cause for the current economic slowdown, it would be prudent to call for greater government regulation in this area. The prospects and possibilities of Armor Bank for further expansion will have to be weighed in the broader context of the stability and long-term sustainability of the economy. 2. Justify the rationale for the intervention of government in the market process in the U.S. The American economy had always seen cycles of boom and bust. It is fair to say that the domestic and economic policies framework of var ious American Presidents of past have been generally business friendly and thereby been lax on regulation. The most recent economic crisis witnessed across the world was precipitated by financial institutions in the United States. The collapse of the Lehman Brothers in 2008 brought to light the reckless and greedy decision making of top executives in this industry, leading to the inevitable collapse. In this context, the idea of regulation as a legislative means to â€Å"encourage the things society as a whole likes (such as economic development) and discourage the things it doesn't (thus, the sin tax)†(Rosenzweig, 2007) is the way to go. As globalization and technology advance, â€Å"financial institutions become the focus of additional regulation; new regulations might be seen as a way of thwarting money laundering, achieving community development goals, or channelling credit to needy borrowers, for example. Such uses are legitimate reasons that lead regulation toward its true mission - to help establish the boundaries within which an industry can operate." (Jordan, 2001) In the prevailing regulatory environment in the United States, there are only limited hurdles for corporate consolidation. This means that there is a constant flux of merger & acquisition activities in corporate America. But such a free reign had not helped strengthen the general economy, beyond the private sector. Hence, there is credence to the view that greater control should be exerted over M&A activities. This is especially true with respect to the financial services sector that bears major culpability for the current decline of the economy. 3. Assuming that the merger faces some threats and that the industry decides on self-expansion as an alternative strategy, describe the additional complexities that would arise under this new scenario of expansion via capital projects. Expansion via capital projects is a relatively more challenging exercise than finding opportunities for m ergers. Yet, this could be achieved via starting operations in new and unexplored verticals within the financial services sector. In the context of Armor Bank, if the company could consolidate itself into a financial holding company, new opportunities for growth beckon, including â€Å"banking and insurance, investment and commercial banking, mortgage banking, trusts, and annuities†¦even the lines between banking and commerce blur." (Jordan, 2001) But managing a broad portfolio will bring
Saturday, February 1, 2020
Knox Case Study Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Knox Case Study - Research Paper Example As his manager, I would be positive about his success in winning a new client to the company but would not communicate his strategy to other employees and external stakeholders. I would also urge him to be more sensitive to possible ethical concerns. No action should be taken against Knox for his initiatives but he should instead be advised to be more careful not to breach ethical values in his sales initiatives. My reaction would be based on an understanding of dilemma that employees face in defining moments and the possible consequences of victimizing employees for choosing a right thing over another. Knox did not take advantage of the client but used his skills to draw the client’s attention to what he could offer and subsequently what his organization could offer. He was also not deceitful but generated mutual benefit for both the company and the client and should therefore not be reprimanded (Humphreys, Amed, Pryor, Hanson, Peppers, Rogers and Borg, 2009; Badaracco, 1998) . Being another manager in the company, I would consult with Armadillo to determine their opinion about their interaction with Knox. My interest would be to determine their derived utility from the interaction for ethical consideration. If they consider the approach dishonest and they believe that Knox initiatives coerced them, then I would explain to them our ethical policies and consider a remedy and a possible action against Knox. Their satisfaction with the initiative would, however, communicate utilitarian ethics because ethics is circumstantial (Badaracco, 1998). I would advise other salespeople to be careful in their sales initiatives because while some clients might consider such acts as ethical, others may be offended because of cultural diversity.
Friday, January 24, 2020
The Signalman by Charles Dickens and The Darkness Out There by Penelope
"The Signalman" by Charles Dickens and "The Darkness Out There" by Penelope Lively Comparing 'The Signalman' by Charles Dickens and 'The Darkness Out There' by Penelope Lively is an ideal way of looking at two authors from different times and backgrounds. Dickens, writing in the nineteenth century, would have had a very different audience to write for from Lively, writing in the twentieth century. Therefore, each author uses different techniques to create tension in the two pieces. During the nineteenth century there was a strong belief in ghosts and the spiritual world; telling ghost stories around the fireplace is often seen as a typical form of Victorian entertainment. Dickens draws on this tradition to create a short story that would have strongly appealed to readers of that time. Lively, however, is not writing for an audience that would enjoy a ghost story as much, therefore 'The Darkness Out There,' is not blatently a ghost story. To capture her readers' interests she instead uses the war and the attitudes to the Germans as a focus of concern. As Dickens lived in a time when the Queen was married to a man of German origin, war with Germany was very unlikely. This meant he had to use an alternate approach to draw the audience into the story. For this he used the recent invention of the steam train to gain a foothold into the reader's minds. This was already causing a lot of anxiety so it would have been easy to take advantage of the reader. He uses this approach to create tension. Another way the writers create tension is by exploring elements of the unknown. They both do this but in contrasting ways. In 'The Signalman,' the unknown is explicitly explored and it is obviously a ghost story from ... ...s and Lively create tension through their use of plot, characters, style and setting. The eerie "Packers End" matches the claustrophobia enhancing setting of 'The Signalman'. Dickens' anonymous characters of the narrator and the signalman keep the readers on edge in 'The Signalman,' whereas Sandra's naivety, Kerry's suspicious nature and Mrs Rutter's seeming innocence then the abrupt exposure of true character build up tension and surprise in 'The Darkness Out There.' Dickens' compacted plot works well to hold the reader's attention and the build up to Lively's final climax keeps her audience hooked to the end. On the whole both authors use events of their time well to create suspense. I feel that although Dickens appears to do this more effectively, the seeming normality yet the sense of unease about 'The Darkness Out There' creates just as much tension.
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Film Critique The Queen Essay
Movie roles performed by high caliber actors and actresses of living icons are always the hardest to portray. Helen Mirren’s portrayal of HRH Queen Elizabeth II, has given us an amazing resemblance (although without as much effects and make-up the resemblance ended) and an in-depth visual and emotional recognition of the British royal who was considered to be so distant and ethereal. I am more than glad that the Reston Multiplex Movie Theatre was comparably filled with older adults than the usual teenage movie goers so I was afforded the chance to concentrate on the film. Generally, the film may not appeal to the younger audience for its lack of pound for pound action and intrigue. However it does gives us an idea of how the British monarchy behaves, as the apex of the British class system. We seldom see portrayals that are free from bias especially when the subjects are as famous and influential as the Queen and her family. But the events that catapulted them into the public eye may have relieved them of their tight bond to maintain their feelings to themselves. Diana’s death has given us glimpses into their private lives which the Queen vehemently tried to seclude her family from the curious and even blatant questions of the public and the press. We see how the Queen reacted and tried in earnest to maintain her stance and tradition to shy away from the camera and the public even as the image-conscious PM Tony Blair continued to cajole the Queen and her family out of their shells. It has also given us an insight to the life the British Royal couple has led all these years which shows support for each other and a husband who is willing to stay behind the shadow of his wife and yet live admirably together in harmony. The family’s traditional and puritan values saw the British monarch trying to distance herself away from the prying eye of the media upon news of Diana’s death. The queen’s immediate concerns were for the â€Å"boys†alone after learning of the tradgedy while vacationing at Balmoral Castle, Scotland. Apparently Diana had fallen off from the royal family to warrant the kind of behavior and almost distant hatred even after learning the news of her accidental death. Public sentiment against the monarchy grew as the Queen and family continued to be absent from the public eye even as Britain grieved for the death of their princess. Seemingly, Diana had been closer to the Britons because she showed what it was like to live a fairy tale life in the beginning and showed to the world that the monarchy was not as invincible as it seems. Profoundly Diana has created a breathing, real life princess capable of feelings thereby creating a certain link of reality to the masses and thereby showing that the monarchy was no different from anyone. Eventually as grief poured, sentiments against the monarchy grew, which PM Tony Blair handled superbly thereby surging his popularity in tune with the national mood. He became closer to the British public and the world. His continued calls for the queen and the family to at least make statements were left ignored at first with Lord Mountbatten (James Cromwell) seemingly disgruntled over PM Blair’s (Michael Sheen) insistence. The Queen explained her position to Blair that Diana lost her relation to the royal family when she divorced her son, the Prince of Wales and insisted that mourning should be a private matter handled by her own family and not by the British Crown. Later on, the Queen who was known to stick to her principle gave in after mistakenly assuming that the public sentiment will slowly ebb over time. After so much criticism from the British tabloids for failing to offer any sign of condolence, and advice from Blair on how the royals should conduct out of public respect, the Queen finally gave in despite disagreement from her mother and gave a speech praising Diana’s life and work. The British flag was also allowed to fly at half mast and a public funeral was hosted in memory of Diana. The queen was then pushed into public view as Mirren’s brilliant performance showed her exact reaction while coming out to look at the flowers in front of the curious British public who was equally assailed with mixed emotions. It was a moment that I held my breath because I had seen the actual a dozen times on television and hardly noticed any difference. The scene showed Elizabeth’s graceful human side and strength both at the same time. Her candid response to the flowers given to her showed her awe that revealed her human nature that no amount of pretense a queen could mask. In effect, the movie was critical of the monarchy but candid and transparent in its portrayal that was sometimes funny and empathic. It evoked the true nature of the royal family’s behavior and sometimes leaves us questions of their simplicity or sarcasm in public statements. Martin Sheen’s portrayal of a young and enthusiastic Tony Blair also showed a generous amount of political set-up reminiscent of the time when PM Blair suddenly gained massive popularity following Diana’s death. His behavior was indeed fitted with the contemporary mixture of grief that called for human decency and respect during Diana’s death which the royal family had mixed initial feelings of. In summary, the movie showed to the world the importance of adapting to change as opposed to the views of rigid tradition which could have led to stagnation. It also showed us that family traditions and values are being questioned in the face of common contemporary behavior and modes. Public figures are always subjected to observation and ridicule because the public always love to know how public icons behave in the face of adversities and criticize any actions for consumption. The Queen (2006) Movie. Starring Helen Mirren as the Queen Elizabeth II; James Cromwell as Lord Mountbatten and Martin Sheen as PM Tony Blair.
Tuesday, January 7, 2020
Statement Of Purpose. . Introduction. I Am Glad To Introduce
STATEMENT OF PURPOSE Introduction: I am glad to introduce myself as Mr. Guduru Sai Kumar, a resident of Telangana, India. We are 4 members in my family. My father is a Government service holder in Telangana. My mother is a house wife and my younger sister is pursuing her Graduation. Educational background: I completed my SSC from Board of Secondary Education in 2010 with 64% and Intermediate from Sri Chaitanya junior college, State Board of Intermediate Education in 2012 with 60.3%. I did my High school with specialized subjects like Math, Physics, and Chemistry. After completion of my High school, I did Bachelors in Technology from JNTU Hyderabad, Telangana, India from 2012 to 2016 with 71.7%. Decision to Pursue Master’s in†¦show more content†¦Information Technology can be applied in various sectors such as in banking business, agriculture, health and medicine, railways, forensic science police wireless and even in the education sector. Why not India: India still being a developing nation has cons while coming to the education sector. The university infrastructure is not on par that with the global institutions. . There is a drastic change in the quality of education in top most educational institutions but it’s quite tough to get admission in those institutions because of reservation system and entrance exam like GATE and CAT etc. Why Australia for further study? With my research, I learnt that the countries of UK, USA, Canada and Australia and most popular among Indian students. I started my research with UK. In UK I found some universities which offer this course. But, I was a little disappointed to know that master’s degrees in UK are of 1 year in duration. It is difficult to find jobs in India on the basis of a 1 year as Jobs in India needs the applicant to have a master’s degree that is of 2 years in duration. Hence, I dropped the plan for UK. In Canada, some universities are offering Graduate certificate courses in IT. But, I was looking for a proper 2 year master’s degree and did not want to do diploma courses. In USA, George Mason University, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado, UniversityShow MoreRelatedMy Writing : The Secret Of Change853 Words  | 4 Pagesthis school year I have made many changes as a writer. I have improved greatly as time has passed and I have learned from my mistakes. At the beginning of the year I had little knowledge of what a thesis statement is, and what I thought I knew was wrong. Also, I used no transitions between my thoughts and ideas. It made so my ideas did not flow well. The introductions to my essays were vague and undetailed. This made my papers confusing. Altogether, my writing did not sound good. Now I have made changesRead MoreProcess Recording : A Group Meeting With Alana Holden At The American Heart Association Of Hampton Roads977 Words  | 4 PagesAssociation’s cause. 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